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Version: 2.12.X

Exploring Projects

Cogynt Authoring's Project Explorer utility lists the top-level artifacts in a project for easier browsing. The utility provides a sorted list of the following artifacts:

  • System nodes
  • Event types
  • User data schemas
  • Lexicons
  • Deployments
  • Deployment targets
  • Tags

The utility also makes it possible to search for specific artifacts by name or tag.

Accessing Project Explorer

To access Project Explorer:

  1. Click the system panel () icon to open the system panel.
  2. Under Project Tasks, click Explore. The Project Explorer window opens.

Browsing Categories

Project Explorer sorts the project's artifacts into categories reflecting the type of artifact. The number displayed beside the category name indicates the number of artifacts within that category. A blue "Risk" label beside an artifact means that it has a risk table configured in it.

To browse the categories:

  1. In the Project Explorer window, select the Categories option button.
  2. Click a category heading to show the alphabetical list of all the artifacts that fit the category. Click the category heading again to hide the list.
  3. In the list of artifacts, hover the mouse cursor over an artifact's icon to see a tooltip containing pertinent information about the artifact and a list of administrative actions. (Note: The type of information displayed varies based on the type of artifact.)
    1. Click the Delete (trash can) icon to delete the artifact, if necessary.
    2. Click the Export icon to export the artifact. For more information, see Exporting and Importing Authoring Files.
    3. Click the Duplicate icon to make a copy of the artifact.
  4. Click the name of an artifact to edit its details.

Browsing Tags

Project Explorer makes it possible to browse project artifacts by their tags. It lists all the tags used in a project, showing all the artifacts that have been assigned the tag. The number displayed beside the tag name indicates the number of artifacts that have been assigned the tag.

To browse a project's tags or explore project artifacts by tag:

  1. In the Project Explorer window, select the Tags option button.
  2. Review the listed tags.
  3. Click a tag name to show the alphabetical list of all the artifacts that have been assigned the tag. Click the tag name again to hide the list.
  4. In the list of artifacts, hover the mouse cursor over an artifact's icon to see a tooltip containing pertinent information about the artifact and a list of administrative actions. (Note: The type of information displayed varies based on the type of artifact.)
    1. Click the Delete (trash can) icon to delete the artifact, if necessary.
    2. Click the Export icon to export the artifact. For more information, see Exporting and Importing Authoring Files.
    3. Click the Duplicate icon to make a copy of the artifact.
  5. Click the name of an artifact to edit its details.

Searching for Artifacts

Project Explorer includes a text search function. Users can enter a text string to find all the artifacts in the project that contain or match the entered string.

To search for artifacts:

  1. At the top of the Project Explorer window, click the Search field.
  2. Enter the string to search. The list of categories and tags automatically updates to include matching results.

To restore the list of categories and tags to its previous state, delete the text entered in the Search field.