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Version: 2.11.X

Building Cases with Collections

Cogynt Workstation workflows rely on collections to catalog events, comments, and custom fields within a single entity. The Collections widget is where collections are built and housed. Once created, collections can contain events, comments, and custom fields.


This guide assumes:

  • That at least one collection exists in Workstation.
  • That events have been ingested.
  • Optionally, that event notifications have been configured.

Attaching Events to Collections

Events that have been ingested can be attached to a collection to indicate that the event is relevant to the collection.

To attach an event to collections:

  1. From an open Events Stream, Notifications, or Notifications Explorer widget, locate the event.
  2. Click and drag the event into the collection open inside the Object Details Viewer. Release to attach the event.
  3. To view events within a collection that have been loaded into Object Details Viewer, click the Items tab.
  4. Drag events into another Object Details Viewer for further analysis.
    • One Object Details Viewer widget is required per event to be analyzed.
    • Events cannot open in the same Object Details Viewer as the collection they came from.
    • At least two Object Details Viewer widgets are recommended per view.
  5. Add other Object Details Viewer widgets to the working view, and repeat steps 1-4 as needed.

Events attached to collections can also be dragged into other widgets for further investigation. The Object Details Viewer must be open in your working view.

Collections can involve related collections, linking multiple incidents, events, and collection data for easy access and reference. For example, a collection for a geographic region can hold related collections for the names, addresses, and IDs for the people who work there.

To attach related collections:

  1. Open a view containing both collections and object details viewer widgets.
  2. Drag a collection into object details viewer. This collection will hold related collections.
  3. From the collections widget, find other collections to link as related.
  4. Drag a related collection from the collections widget into the object details viewer. The object details viewer shows two options:
    1. View collection details opens the collection.
    2. Add collection as related attaches the related collection to the collection open in object details viewer.
  5. Drop a related collection into Add collection as related.
  6. Enter an optional description of how these collections are related.
  7. At the bottom of the open collection in object details viewer, click the Related Collections dropdown.
  8. Confirm the related collection exists in the list, or drag another related collection into the object details viewer.

Related collections can be viewed from any collection they belong to.

To view related collections:

  1. Drag a collection containing at least one related collection into the object details viewer widget.
  2. At the bottom of the collection inside the object details viewer widget, click the Related Collections dropdown.
  3. Locate the related collection to view from the list of related collections.
  4. Drag the related collection into any object details viewer widget to view.

Optional descriptive text can be added to clarify the relation between collections, and edited to fix typos or add more details.

To edit a related collection's descriptive text:

  1. Drag a collection containing at least one related collection into the object details viewer widget.
  2. At the bottom of the collection inside the object details viewer widget, click the Related Collections dropdown.
  3. Locate the related collection from the list of related collections.
  4. Click the previous descriptive text used for the related collection. This field will contain none if no descriptive text exists.

Using Custom Fields

If Custom Field Templates have been created for collections, it is possible to view collections and modify these fields with Object Details Viewer. Once a collection is loaded into the Object Details Viewer widget, users can view, add to, or edit data for any custom fields available.

Customizing a collection with custom fields adds functionality for user specific workflows, feedback and user engagement. Text fields are a common use case, as collections can be summarized or users can provide detailed analysis.

To use custom fields in collections:

  1. From a working view, click a collection and drag it into the Object Details Viewer.
  2. At the top of the Object Details Viewer, click the Custom Fields tab. The widget changes to show all currently created custom fields.
  3. Change the desired custom field(s) as needed:
    • Text or Rich Text fields can be edited by hovering over the field and selecting Edit.


      Text and rich text fields lock to prevent more than one user making changes, and only unlock after submitting changes. Changes also submit automatically after 30 minutes of inactivity.

    • Checkboxes can be directly checked or unchecked.
    • Select options are set by directly clicking into the menu and selecting the desired option.

Custom Fields are displayed based on their type:

  • Rich Text and Regular Text fields are displayed in shaded boxes.
  • Select menus always display the default or currently selected value.
  • Checkbox groups dim all unchecked values.


Checkbox custom fields used in collections can filter between checked or unchecked. Click to the right of the checkbox field title, and select All, Checked, or Unchecked to determine the list's visibility setting.

Custom field templates, groups, and options reflect the configuration set in the Custom Field Templates screen of the Designer tab.

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