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Version: 2.10.X

Creating View Templates

View templates duplicate existing views with widgets and certain settings intact. Authorized users can use these presets to create their own views, and should expect view templates to retain the following:

  • The name of the view template.
  • Widgets used in the view template, including:
    • The layout.
    • Any custom names set for the widgets.
    • Any filters/searches applied for certain widgets (Notifications, Notifications Explorer, Collections, etc.).

Once a view template is used in view creation, edits made to the newly created view do not affect the view template.


This guide assumes the users utilizing view templates have the following permissions:

  • Workstation: Views – Read
  • Workstation: Templates Views – Write

Creating View Templates

Assuming a view has already been constructed with the desired widgets, names, layouts, and applied filters, it is possible to create a template from it.

To create a view templates:

  1. At the top navigation bar of Workstation, click Home.
  2. From the Workstation home page, locate the view to be used for template creation.
  3. At the top right of the widget, click the More menu (). A submenu opens.
  4. Click the Create a View Template button.
  5. Confirm or enter the desired name for the view template.
  6. Optionally, enter a description to provide important details about the view.
  7. Click Ok to save the view template, or Cancel to discard the changes.

Deleting View Templates

If a view template was created by mistake or is no longer needed, it is possible to delete it.

To delete a view templates:

  1. On the Home page, in the left side drawer, click Manage View Templates. The Manage View Template UI opens.
  2. Locate the view template to be deleted.
  3. On the upper-right side of the template, click the More menu (). A submenu opens.
  4. Select Delete.
  5. Click Ok in the confirmation dialogue that appears, or Cancel to stop the deletion.


It is not possible to edit view templates. If a template should be changed, make adjustments to the original view and then re-save the updated template.

Creating Views from View Templates

New views can be created from view templates. These newly created views can be worked with and edited without adjusting the template.

To create a view from a view template:

  1. From the Home page in the left side drawer, click Manage View Templates. The Manage View Template UI opens.
  2. Locate the view template to use in view creation.
  3. On the bottom right side of the view template, click the launch icon. A modal pop up opens.
  4. Enter a desired name for the new view.
  5. Click Ok to create the view, or Cancel to discard the changes.
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