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Version: 2.16.X

Constraint Computations Authoring

The constraint computations view is reachable through a constraint construct, either at the time of creating it or when editing it via the constraint editor in the details panel. The user interface of the constraint computations view appears as an overlay atop the event pattern view.

Working with the Constraint Computation View

For the most part, this view operates in the same way as the view described in Outcome Computations Authoring:

  • It provides access to the same computation elements.
  • To form computations, you draw links between input fields, computation elements, and outputs.
  • You can search, print, zoom, pan, clone, delete, and so on, just like you would in the outcome computations view.

However, the constraint computations view differs in the following ways:

  • The computations are for constraints, not outcomes.
  • You only have access to the element associated with the constraint end where computations are defined.
  • The computations only produce one single output value. The output's data type is determined by the result of the computations in the diagram.

Naming Computations

The name of a set of computations determines the custom computed field's label in the pattern view.

By default, the name of every set of computations is "Computations." This can be changed as needed.

To change the name of a set of computations:

  1. On the left of the action panel, click the Computation Name field.
  2. Enter a new name for the computations.