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Version: 2.16.X

Deploying Models

After a model is developed, it can be put into execution to view the output of its patterns, or to verify that its pattern detection logic works as intended. Enabling this process requires two model artifacts:

  • Deployment Target
  • Deployment

The Deployment Management utility creates and manages both artifact types.

For more information about deployments and deployment targets, see Model Artifacts.

Configuring Deployments

The Deployment Management utility provides the tools needed to create, manage, and configure deployments and deployment targets.

To access the Deployment Management utility, click the Deployments button in the application toolbar.

Managing Deployment Targets

The Deployment Targets tab of the Deployment Management utility stores tools for managing deployment targets.

Viewing Deployment Targets

The Deployment Management utility provides a convenient way to view all deployment targets of a project.

To view a project's deployment targets:

  1. In the Deployment Management window, click the Deployment Targets tab.
  2. Click the Project dropdown menu, then select the appropriate project. Each deployment target within the project has its own row in the table below the dropdown.
  3. Note the details of each deployment target in the table:
    1. Name displays the deployment target's name.
    2. Created shows the date and time of the deployment target's creation.
    3. Modified shows the date and time when the most recent changes to the deployment target occurred.
  4. Click a deployment target's Expand button to view more details:
    1. Created and Modified display the same information shown in Step 3.
    2. Flink Configurations contains settings and configurations for customizing the amount of computational resources requested for a given deployment.
    3. Log Configurations contains settings and configurations for customizing logging content, and settings for debugging and troubleshooting.
    4. Data Sources displays the unique connection strings for each of the deployment target's data sources that allow Cogynt to connect and stream/query data from them. (Kafka and JDBC are currently supported.)
    5. Linked Deployments shows all deployments that reference the deployment target for its template configuration settings and data sources.
  5. At the bottom of the window, click the Rows per page dropdown to change the number of deployment target rows displayed on each page.
  6. On the bottom-right of the window, click the navigation buttons to move through the list of deployment targets:
    1. Click the > button to advance to the next page.
    2. Click the < button to go back one page.
    3. Click the >| button to advance to the last page.
    4. Click the |< button to go back to the first page.

Searching for Deployment Targets

To make it easier to find a specific deployment target, the Deployment Management utility includes a search feature.

To search for a deployment target:

  1. In the Deployment Management window, click the Deployment Targets tab.
  2. Click the Project dropdown menu, then select the appropriate project.
  3. In the Search box, enter the name (or the first few characters) of the deployment target to locate.

Creating Deployment Targets

New deployment targets can be added to projects as needed.

To add a deployment target to a project:

  1. In the Deployment Management window, click the Deployment Targets tab.
  2. Click the Project dropdown menu, then select the appropriate project.
  3. Click the Add New Deployment Target (+) button.
  4. In the Create Deployment Target window:
    1. In the Name field, enter a name for the deployment target. The name cannot exceed 255 characters in length.
    2. Under Configurations:
      1. Click the Flink tab to specify the deployment target's Flink configurations:
        1. In the Custom section, click the Add Configuration (+) button to add a new configuration:
          1. In the Name field, enter a name for the configuration.
          2. In the Value field, enter the value that the configuration should track.
          3. Click outside the fields to save the configuration. Click the Delete (trash can) icon to remove it.
        2. Edit any existing configurations as needed:
          1. In the Name column, verify that the configuration has the appropriate name. Click the information (i) icon to the left of the name to read a description.
          2. In the Value column, verify that the configuration has the appropriate value. Enter a new value in the corresponding field or dropdown menu as needed.
          3. In the Unit column, verify that the configuration has the appropriate unit of measurement. Select a new value from the corresponding dropdown menu as needed.
      2. Click the Logging tab to specify the deployment target's logging configurations, repeating steps 4.ii.a.a-b as needed.
    3. Under Data Sources:
      1. Click the Add a data source (+) button to add a new data source:
        1. From the Type dropdown menu, select the appropriate data source type.
        2. In the Name field, enter the name of the data source.
        3. In the Connect String field, enter any host:port combinations necessary for connecting to the data source. When using multiple host:port combinations, separate each combination with a comma. (Note: The field will not accept a connect string that is already in use by another data source.)
        4. Click Use Default to fill the Connect String field with a default value.
        5. Click OK to add the data source, or Cancel to discard it.
      2. Click the corresponding pencil (✎) icon to edit an existing data source, repeating steps 4.iii.a.a-e as needed.
      3. Click the corresponding X icon to delete an existing data source.
    4. Click Create to create the deployment target, or click Cancel to discard it.

The connection information for an Apache Flink cluster is not part of a deployment target, as it should have already been set up and configured as part of the Cogynt installation process.

Editing Deployment Targets

Deployment target details can be modified as necessary.

To edit a deployment target:

  1. In the Deployment Management window, click Deployment Targets.
  2. Click the Project dropdown menu, then select the project containing the appropriate deployment target.
  3. Locate the deployment target to edit in the table.
  4. In the deployment target's Actions column, click the Edit (✎) button.
  5. In the Edit Deployment Target window, follow steps 4a-4d from Creating Deployment Targets as needed.

Exporting Deployment Targets

Deployment targets can be exported as downloadable files that can be loaded into other projects.

To export a deployment target:

  1. In the Deployment Management window, click Deployment Targets.
  2. Click the Project dropdown menu, then select the project containing the appropriate deployment target.
  3. In the table, locate deployment target to export.
  4. Click the corresponding Export button.
  5. Save the file to the desired location on your machine.

Duplicating Deployment Targets

Deployment targets can be copied when necessary.

To duplicate a deployment target:

  1. In the Deployment Management window, click Deployment Targets.
  2. Click the Project dropdown menu, then select the project containing the appropriate deployment target.
  3. In the table, locate the deployment target to duplicate.
  4. Click the corresponding Duplicate button.
  5. In the prompt, type a new name for the duplicate deployment target.

Deleting Deployment Targets

Deployment targets that are no longer needed, or were created in error, can be deleted from the projects where they reside.

To delete a deployment target:

  1. In the Deployment Management window, click the Deployment Targets tab.
  2. Click the Project dropdown menu, then select the project containing the appropriate deployment target.
  3. Locate the deployment target to delete in the table.
  4. In the deployment target's Actions column, click the Delete (trash can) button.

Managing Deployments

The Deployments tab of the Deployment Management utility stores tools to manage deployments.

Viewing Deployments

The Deployment Management utility provides a convenient way to view all deployments for a project.

To view a project's deployments:

  1. In the Deployment Management window, click the Deployments tab.
  2. Click the Project dropdown menu, then select the appropriate project. Each deployment of the project has its own row in the table below the dropdown.
  3. Note the details of each deployment target in the table:
    1. Name displays the deployment's name.
    2. Status shows the current status of the Flink deployment. For more information, see Monitoring Deployments.
    3. Modified shows the date and time when the most recent changes to the deployment occurred.
  4. Click a deployment's Expand button to view more details:
    1. Created shows the date and time when the deployment was created. Modified displays the same information shown in Step 3.
    2. Configurations displays the deployment configurations that the deployment uses.
    3. Deployment Target displays the deployment target referenced in the deployment.
    4. Deployment System Nodes displays the list of patterns selected for deployment.
    5. Deploy Tags lists all the tags used to filter the patterns for deployment, if any exist.
    6. Flink Cluster Name displays the name of the deployment's Flink cluster.
  5. At the bottom of the window, click the Rows per page dropdown to change the number of deployment rows displayed on each page.
  6. On the bottom-right of the window, click the navigation buttons to move through the list of deployments:
    1. Click the > button to advance to the next page.
    2. Click the < button to go back one page.
    3. Click the >| button to advance to the last page.
    4. Click the |< button to go back to the first page.

If the selected project has any issues, a warning message appears beneath the Project dropdown menu. Click the View Issues button to see the issues that the system has identified.

For more information, see Checking for Consistency and Errors.

Creating Deployments

New deployments can be added to projects as needed.

To add a deployment to a project:

  1. In the Deployment Management window, click the Deployments tab.
  2. Click the Project dropdown menu, then select the appropriate project.
  3. Click the Add New Deployment (+) button.
  4. In the Create Deployment window:
    1. In the Name field, enter a name for the deployment. The name cannot exceed 255 characters in length.
    2. In the Description field, enter a description for the deployment if necessary.
    3. Under the Event Patterns tab, check the boxes beside the event patterns to include in the deployment.
      1. Click the By Pattern Name tab to see a list of available event patterns organized by name. Click the Name or Type headings to sort the event patterns by either category in ascending or descending order.
      2. Click the By Tags tab to see a list of available tags organized by name. Click the Name heading to sort the names in ascending or descending order. Click a tag's Expand button to see the list of system nodes associated with the tag.
    4. Under the Deployment Target tab, select the appropriate deployment target from the dropdown menu. The panel displays key details about the selected deployment target for review. For more information, see Viewing Deployment Targets.
    5. Under the Override Configurations tab:
      1. Define the deployment's Flink configurations as needed:
        1. Click + Add Flink Configuration.
        2. From the context menu, select the type of configuration to define. The configuration is added to the appropriate grouping under the Flink Configurations section.
        3. Click the configuration's icon to see detailed information about the configuration.
        4. Specify the appropriate Value and Unit (if necessary) in the corresponding fields.
        5. Delete any unnecessary configurations by clicking the corresponding Delete (trash can) icon.
      2. Define the deployment's log configurations as needed:
        1. Click + Add Log Configuration.
        2. From the context menu, select the type of configuration to define. The configuration is added to the appropriate grouping under the Log Configurations section.
        3. Click the configuration's icon to see detailed information about the configuration.
        4. Specify the appropriate Value and Unit (if necessary) in the corresponding fields.
        5. Delete any unnecessary configurations by clicking the corresponding Delete (trash can) icon.
    6. Under the Ingestion Configurations tab:
      1. Click + Add Ingestion Start Date to add new ingestion configurations as needed:
        1. From the Event Type dropdown menu, select the event type containing the field that will determine ingestion time.
        2. From the Referenced Date Field dropdown menu, select the field that should be used to determine when ingestion should begin. (Note: The Referenced Date Field dropdown menu cannot be opened until a selection is made from the Event Type dropdown menu.)
        3. In the Ingestion Start Date field, specify the date when ingestion should begin.
      2. Edit any existing ingestion configurations as needed by clicking the appropriate fields and modifying their values.
      3. Delete any unnecessary ingestion configurations by clicking the corresponding Delete (trash can) icon.
    7. Click Create to create the deployment, or click Cancel to discard it.

If there are overlapping event patterns between selections in the By Pattern Name and By Tags tabs from step 4.iii, only a single copy of the pattern is deployed, not multiple copies.

Editing Deployments

Deployment details can be modified as necessary.

To edit a deployment:

  1. In the Deployment Management window, click Deployments.
  2. Click the Project dropdown menu, then select the project containing the appropriate deployment.
  3. Locate the deployment to edit in the table.
  4. In the deployment's Actions column, click the Edit (✎) button.
  5. In the Edit Deployment window, follow steps from Creating Deployments as needed.
  6. Click Save to save the changes, Revert to restore the deployment's details to their last saved state, or Cancel to discard the changes.

Exporting Deployments

Deployments can be exported as downloadable files that can be loaded into other projects.

To export a deployment:

  1. In the Deployment Management window, click Deployments.
  2. Click the Project dropdown menu, then select the project containing the appropriate deployment.
  3. In the table, locate the deployment to export.
  4. Click the corresponding Export button.
  5. Save the file to the desired location on your machine.

Duplicating Deployments

Deployments can be copied when necessary.

To duplicate a deployment:

  1. In the Deployment Management window, click Deployments.
  2. Click the Project dropdown menu, then select the project containing the appropriate deployment.
  3. In the table, locate the deployment to duplicate.
  4. Click the corresponding Duplicate button.
  5. In the prompt, type a new name for the duplicate deployment.

Deleting Deployments

Deployments that are no longer needed, or were created in error, can be deleted from the projects where they reside.

To delete a deployment:

  1. In the Deployment Management window, click the Deployments tab.
  2. Click the Project dropdown menu, then select the project containing the appropriate deployment.
  3. In the table, locate the deployment to delete.
  4. In the deployment's Actions column, click the Delete (trash can) button.

Initiating Deployments

Deployments can be activated and put into use from multiple places within Cogynt Authoring.

Initiating Deployments from the Projects Screen

To initiate a deployment from the Projects screen:

  1. In the Projects table, locate the project to deploy. For more information about navigating the table, see Navigating Available Projects.
  2. On the right of the project's row, click the More menu ().
  3. Click Deployments.
  4. In the Deployment Management window, click the Deployments tab.
  5. Verify that the Project dropdown menu shows the appropriate project. If not, select the appropriate project from the menu.
  6. In the table, locate the deployment to initiate.
  7. Click the corresponding Deploy button.
  8. In the Confirm Deployment dialog:
    1. Check the Reset published topics? checkbox to reset the information gathered from published topics, and give the deployment a clean data set.
    2. Click Deploy to initiate the deployment, or Cancel to abandon the operation.

Initiating Deployments from the Deployment Management Utility

To initiate a deployment using the Deployment Management utility:

  1. In the Deployment Management window, click the Deployments tab.
  2. Click the Project dropdown menu, then select the project containing the appropriate deployment.
  3. In the table, locate the deployment to initiate.
  4. Click the corresponding Deploy button.
  5. In the Confirm Deployment dialog:
    1. Check the Reset published topics? checkbox to reset the information gathered from published topics, and give the deployment a clean data set.
    2. Click Deploy to initiate the deployment, or Cancel to abandon the operation.

Initiating Deployments From Views

To initiate a deployment directly from a view:

  1. On the application toolbar, click Deployments.
  2. In the Deployment Management window, click the Deployments tab.
  3. Verify that the Project dropdown menu shows the appropriate project. If not, select the appropriate project from the menu.
  4. In the table, locate the deployment to initiate.
  5. Click the corresponding Deploy button.
  6. In the Confirm Deployment dialog:
    1. Check the Reset published topics? checkbox to reset the information gathered from published topics, and give the deployment a clean data set.
    2. Click Deploy to initiate the deployment, or Cancel to abandon the operation.

Terminating Deployments

Deployments can be stopped and taken offline as needed. This process is called "terminating" the deployment.

To terminate a deployment:

  1. In the Deployment Management window, click the Deployments tab.
  2. Click the Project dropdown menu, then select the project containing the appropriate deployment.
  3. In the table, locate the deployment to terminate.
  4. Click the corresponding Shut Down () button.

Customizing Timestamps for Ingestion

Sometimes you may need to adjust a small part of a deployment. To avoid redundant data ingestion and conserve resources, Cogynt includes a "restart" feature that lets users modify and redeploy patterns more efficiently. The feature allows users to specify the time when redeployed patterns should begin ingesting data.

To redeploy a pattern:

  1. Stop the deployment containing the pattern. For more information, see Terminating Deployments.
  2. In the Deployment Management window, click Deployments.
  3. From the Project dropdown menu, select the project containing the appropriate deployment.
  4. Locate the deployment to edit in the table.
  5. In the deployment's Actions column, click the Edit (✎) button.
  6. Click the Ingestion Configurations tab.
  7. Click +Add Timestamp.
  8. From the Event Type dropdown menu, select the event type containing the field that will determine the new ingestion time.
  9. From the Referenced Date Field dropdown menu, select the field that will determine when ingestion should begin. (Note: Referenced Date Field cannot be opened until an Event Type selection is made.)
  10. To the right of the Ingestion Start Date field, click the Calendar icon and specify the date when ingestion should begin.
  11. Click Save to save the changes.
  12. Deploy the modified deployment. For more information, see Initiating Deployments.

When the deployment is redeployed, any topic selected in steps 8-9 will only start ingestion at the specified time.