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Version: 2.16.X

Logical Operations

Logical operations provide mechanisms for evaluating the truth or falsity of Boolean values.

The examples for each function use the following notation:

  • Square brackets ([]) indicate arrays.
  • Curly braces ({}) indicate groups.
  • Arrows (==>) separate inputs and outputs. Inputs are shown on the left side of the arrow. Outputs are shown on the right side of the arrow.


The AND function returns True when all its input arguments are True. Otherwise, it returns False.

Usage Information

Number of Arguments1+
Mandatory Argument Names and Datatypesarg: A Boolean or Boolean array.
  • Scalar Support: True
  • Array Support: True
  • Group of Scalars Support: True
  • Group of Arrays Support: True
Optional Argument Names and DatatypesN/A
Modifiersignore null (Default: True): If set to True, null values are not evaluated. If set to False, null values evaluate as null.
Output Datatype(s)Boolean

Only one argument at most can be an array. The rest must be scalar.


and(True) ==> True
and(False) ==> False

and(null) ==> null
and(null, ignore_null=False) ==> null

and(True,True) ==> True
and(False,False) ==> False
and(True,False) ==> False
and(True,True,False) ==> False

and(True,null) ==> True
and(True,null,ignore_null=False) ==> null

and([True,True,False]) ==> False
and([True,True,null]) ==> True
and([True,True,null], ignore_null=False) ==> null
and([null]) ==> null
and([null],ignore_null=False) ==> null

and([True,True,False],False) ==> [False,False,False]
and([True,True,null],False) ==> [False,False]
and([True,null,False],True,ignore_null=False) ==> [True,null,False]

and([True,True,False],null) ==> [True,True,False] # (i.e., returns the original array value)
and([True,True,False],null,False) ==> [False,False,False]
and([True,True,False],null,ignore_null=False) ==> null
and([null],True) ==> []
and([null],True,ignore_null=False) ==> [null]

and({False,True,True},{True,False,True}) ==> {False,False,True}
and({False,True,True},True) ==> {False,True,True}

and({[False,True,True],[True,True],[False]}) ==> {False,True,False}


The NOT function returns the opposite Boolean value of the input.

Usage Information

Number of Arguments1
Mandatory Argument Names and Datatypesarg: A Boolean.
  • Scalar Support: TBD
  • Array Support: True
  • Group of Scalars Support: True
  • Group of Arrays Support: True
Optional Argument Names and DatatypesN/A
Output Datatype(s)Boolean


not(True) ==> False
not(False) ==> True

not({True,False,True}) ==> {False,True,False}
not([True,False,True]) ==> [False,True,False]


The OR function returns True when at least one input argument is True. Otherwise, it returns False.

Usage Information

Number of Arguments1+
Mandatory Argument Names and Datatypesarg: A Boolean or Boolean array.
  • Scalar Support: TBD
  • Array Support: True
  • Group of Scalars Support: True
  • Group of Arrays Support: True
Optional Argument Names and DatatypesN/A
Modifiersignore null (Default: True): If set to True, null values are not evaluated. If set to False, null values evaluate as null.
Output Datatype(s)Boolean

Only one argument at most can be an array. The rest must be scalar.


or(True) ==> True
or(False) ==> False

or(True, null) ==> null
or(null, ignore_null=False) ==> null

or(True,True) ==> True
or(False,False) ==> False
or(True,False) ==> True
or(True,True,False) ==> True

or(True,null) ==> True
or(True,null,ignore_null=False) ==> null

or([True,True,False]) ==> True
or([True,True,null]) ==> True
or([True,True,null], ignore_null=False) ==> null
or([null]) ==> null
or([null],ignore_null=False) ==> null

or([True,True,False],False) ==> [True,True,False]
or([True,True,null],False) ==> [True,True]
or([True,null,False],True,ignore_null=False) ==> [True,null,True]

or([True,True,False],null) ==> [True,True,False] # (i.e., returns the original array value)
or([True,True,False],null,False) ==> [True,True,False]
or([True,True,False],null,ignore_null=False) ==> null
or([null],True) ==> []
or([null],True,ignore_null=False) ==> [null]

or({False,False,True},{True,False,True}) ==> {True,False,True}
or({False,True,True},True) ==> {True,True,True}

or({[False,True,True],[True,True],[False]}) ==> {True,True,False}