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Version: 2.16.X

Array Functions

Array functions provide mechanisms for processing and evaluating the contents of arrays.

The examples for each function use the following notation:

  • Square brackets ([]) indicate arrays.
  • Curly braces ({}) indicate groups.
  • Arrows (==>) separate inputs and outputs. Inputs are shown on the left side of the arrow. Outputs are shown on the right side of the arrow.


The Combine function combines (and optionally deduplicates) the submitted arguments into a single array. They are concatenated in the order that they are supplied to the function.

Usage Information

Number of Arguments2+
Mandatory Argument Names and Datatypesvar: An array or set of any datatype.
  • Scalar Support: True
  • Array Support: True
  • Group of Scalars Support: True
  • Group of Arrays Support: True
Optional Argument Names and DatatypesN/A
  • unique (Default: False): TBD
  • ignore null (Default: True): TBD
Output Datatype(s)An array matching the datatype of the input.

All input must share the same datatype, except for integers and floats. Integers and floats can both be inputs in the same function. If both integers and floats are received as inputs, the output is an array of floats.

Arrays and scalar values may be inputs in the same function. Sets and scalar values may also be inputs in the same function.


combine(1,2,3) ==> [1,2,3]
combine(1,2.4,3) ==> [1.0,2.4,3.0] // Mixture of int and float input results in a float array

combine([1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9,10]) ==> [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
combine([1,2,3],10,[4,5,6]) ==> [1,2,3,10,4,5,6]
combine({1,2,3},{4,5,6},{7,8,9}) ==> {[1,4,7],[2,5,8],[3,6,9]}
combine({[A],[B],[C]},{[D],[E],[F]}) ==> {[A,D],[B,E],[C,F]}

combine({1,2,3},10,{4,5,6}) ==> {[1,10,4],[2,10,5],[3,10,6]}


The Sort function sorts an array, rearranging its elements in either ascending or descending order as specified.

Usage Information

Number of Arguments1
Mandatory Argument Names and Datatypesarg: An array or set of datetimes, integers, floats, or strings.
  • Scalar Support: False
  • Array Support: True
  • Group of Scalars Support: True
  • Group of Arrays Support: True
Optional Argument Names and DatatypesN/A
Modifiersorder (Default: asc): Specifies whether to sort in ascending (asc) or descending (desc) order.
Output Datatype(s)An array matching the input datatype.


sort([1,4,5,3,2]) ==> [1,2,3,4,5]
sort({["C","A"],["D","E"]}) ==> {["A","C"],["D","E"]}


The Unique function returns an array containing the unique values of the input array.

Usage Information

Number of Arguments1
Mandatory Argument Names and Datatypesarg: An array of any datatype, or a Group of Arrays of any datatype.
  • Scalar Support: False
  • Array Support: True
  • Group of Scalars Support: False
  • Group of Arrays Support: True
Optional Argument Names and DatatypesN/A
Modifiersignore null (Default: True): If True, null values are not included in the output (even if there is only one null value). If False, any unique null values are included in the output.
Output Datatype(s)An array matching the input datatype.


unique([1,2,2,3,3,4]) ==> [1,2,3,4]
unique({["1","2","2","3","3","4"],["A","B","B","b","C"]}) ==> {["1","2","3","4"],["A","B","b","C"]}

Value At

The Value At function returns the value at the specified index position of the input array. It uses a 0-based index.

Usage Information

Number of Arguments2
Mandatory Argument Names and Datatypesarg: An array of any datatype, or a Group of Arrays of any datatype.
  • Scalar Support: False
  • Array Support: True
  • Group of Scalars Support: False
  • Group of Arrays Support: True
index: An integer or set of integers specifying the index position.
  • Scalar Support: True
  • Array Support: TBD
  • Group of Scalars Support: True
  • Group of Arrays Support: True
Optional Argument Names and DatatypesN/A
Output Datatype(s)Same as input datatype.

If the input array does not have an index at the submitted index position, the function returns null.


valueAt([2,7,4,6,1,2],2) ==> 4
valueAt([2,7,4,6,1,2],10) ==> null
valueAt([2,7,4,6,1,2],{0,1,2}) ==> {2,7,4}
valueAt([2,7,4,6,1,2],[0,1,2]) ==> [2,7,4]

valueAt({[2,7,4,6,1,2],[1,2,3],[4,5,6]},2) ==> {4,3,6}
valueAt({[2,7,4,6,1,2],[1,2,3],[4,5,6]},{1,2,3}) ==> {7,3,null}