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Version: 2.14.X

Using Report Builder

With Cogynt's Report Builder application, analysts can export collections created in Workstation to either:

  1. A basic (PDF) collection report.
  2. An advanced (DOC) collection report.

These customizable reports are ideal for distribution outside the Cogynt platform, or for keeping physical records. A variety of layouts are possible, and finished reports can be saved as templates for replication. Once a report template is created, it appears as an export option on the Export Data menu of any collection loaded onto the Object Details Viewer widget.

Accessing Report Builder

Accessing Report Builder requires the following permissions:

  • Workstation: Report Builder: View and Edit

To access Report Builder:

  1. At the top of Workstation, click the Designer tab.
  2. In the left side navigation panel, click the Report Builder icon.

Building Report Templates

Templates help simplify creation of future reports, or standardize formats within an organization.

After accessing report builder, the steps to create a Basic (PDF) or Advanced (DOC) template slightly differ.

Creating Basic (PDF) Collection Reports

A basic (PDF) collection report uses drag and drop blocks to create complex layouts using the Cogynt Report Builder editor.

To create a basic (PDF) collection report:

  1. Click the "Create New" button.
  2. Type in a Report Name.
  3. Provide a description if desired.
  4. From the Object Type menu, select "Collection Object".
  5. From the Report Type menu, select "Basic (PDF)".
  6. Click Ok. The page changes to build mode, which appears as a blank white page.
  7. Style the report as needed.
  8. When finished, at the top left of the screen, click the File menu and select Save.

The report is saved as a template that is exportable as a PDF for any collection in Workstation.

Creating Advanced (DOC) Collection Reports

Advanced (DOC) collection report templates are created from .docx files edited outside Cogynt and imported to Report Builder.

To create an advanced (DOC) collection report template:

  1. Create a .docx file with the desired layout and output information. Please see the Building Advanced Templates guide for more information.
  2. Upload your desired .docx file into the Advanced Report Templates accordion.
  3. Click the "Create New" button.
  4. Type in a Report Name.
  5. Provide a description if desired.
  6. From the Object Type menu, select "Collection Object".
  7. From the Report Type menu, select "Advanced (PDF)".
  8. A Template File menu will appear. Select the desired .docx template.
  9. Click Ok. This new Report Template option will now appear on the Export Data menu on a collection.


You can quickly test and preview a .docx template file before before creating a Report Template by utilizing the Export to DOCX template option found in the Export Data menu of a collection.

Editing Report Templates

The name or description of any report template can be modified once it has been created.

To edit report templates:

  1. Click the pencil (✎) icon to open a model to modify the name or description.
  2. Delete a template by clicking the trashcan icon. Confirm the deletion, or click Cancel to preserve the template.

Modifying Basic (PDF) Collection Report Templates

Modify the layout of any existing basic (PDF) collection report template to add, remove, or change the order of style blocks.

To edit basic (PDF) collection report templates:

  1. Click the any listed 'Basic' Report Template to open it to modify the layout or styling.
  2. Edit the template as needed. When finished, at the top left of the screen, click the File menu and select Save.

Modifying Advanced (DOC) Collection Report Templates

Template modifications to any Advanced Collection Reports can only be done by uploading a new .docx template file and replacing the old templates and Advanced Reports:

  1. Download the desired .docx template file that you wish to modify from the Advanced Report Templates accordion.
  2. Modify the template in Microsoft Word as desired.
  3. Delete the old .docx template from the Advanced Report Templates accordion. Any Report Template that previously linked to this .docx file will automatically be deleted (you may need to refresh the screen to see it removed).
  4. Upload the new .docx template into the Advanced Report Templates accordion.
  5. Create a new Advanced Report Builder.

Duplicating Basic (PDF) Collection Report Templates

Report templates for basic (PDF) collection reports can be duplicated and modified as needed.

  1. Navigate to the Report Builder tool.
  2. Click the Open button. A modal popup opens.
  3. Click Copy As. A new modal popup opens.
  4. In the Report Name field, type a report name.
  5. Optionally, in the Report Description field, give the report a description to explain its purpose in greater detail.
  6. Click OK to duplicate your report, or Cancel to cancel the duplication.

Importing and Exporting Report Collection Templates

Both basic (PDF) and advanced (DOC) collection report templates can be imported and exported as needed.

Exporting Basic (PDF) Collection Templates

Before importing any basic (PDF) template, they must first be exported from Report Builder 2.11.X version (or later).

To export basic (PDF) collection templates:

  1. From the Report Builder tool, with a report open, click File.
  2. Click Export Template. A file is downloaded named after the open report the template is built from.

Importing Basic (PDF) Collection Templates

Basic (PDF) Report Builder templates can be imported to instances where Report Builder 2.11.X version (or later) of Cogynt is running.

To import basic (PDF) collection templates:

  1. From the Report Builder tool, click the Import Archive File button.
  2. Locate the file (.zip) to import, or drag the template file into the Report Builder tool screen.
    • The template name is derived from the name of the .zip file.
    • Files with the same name will automatically differentiate from one another by appending a number to the end.

Importing Advanced (DOC) Collection Reports

The advanced (DOC) collection report template is based on an uploaded .docx file.

To import advanced (DOC) collection report templates:

  1. Navigate to the Report Builder tool in the Cogynt environment you wish to import the file.
  2. Start at step 3 in the Creating Advanced (DOC) Collection Reports guide.

Exporting Advanced (DOC) Collection Report Templates

Exporting an advanced (DOC) collection report template is essentially following the same steps as creating a new Advanced (DOC) report.

To export advanced (DOC) collection report templates:

From the Report Builder tool, download the desired .docx file from the Advanced Report Templates accordion.

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