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Version: 2.14.X

Using Activity Monitor

Cogynt's Activity Monitor tool helps check the status of data during the upload process (either file uploads or manual entry). Activity Monitor can give useful details about uploads, such as:

  • The status of an upload.
  • The user who uploaded the data.
  • Any errors encountered.

The tool can be accessed from the Data Management address your organization uses.

Checking Activity Monitor

Once published, single data entries from the activity monitor can be checked as needed.

To check the Activity Monitor:

  1. Visit your organization's Cogynt Data Management Tool address.
  2. From the landing page, click Activity Monitor. The screen changes to the activity monitor.
  3. The activity monitor contains a list of all recently published events. Click an entry's caret icon to open it. The entry contains meta data associated with the entry, such as its status or associated topic.

Data Entry Attributes and Values

The following table defines the attributes and values used in Activity Monitor.

StatusThe status of an entry. It can be Published or Aborted.
Upload TypeDefines the file type uploaded, either JSON or CSV.
UserThe username responsible for uploading the file.
Kafka connect stringThe string connected to the Kafka cluster for the listed data entry.
TopicThe specific Kafka topic associated with the entry.
Topic PartitionsThe number of partitions a topic uses.
Overwrite topicA Boolean value that determines whether the corresponding topic was overwritten.
File nameThe name of the file that the entry came from. This entry only exists for File Upload status.
Mime typeA document's format. See MIME Types for more details. This entry only exists for File Upload status.
File SizeThe size (in bytes) of the file the entry came from. This entry only exists for File Upload status.
Created AtA timestamp indicating the date and time of the entry's creation.
Preprocessing started AtA timestamp indicating the date and time that preprocessing for the data entry began.
Publishing Started AtA timestamp indicating the date and time the data entry's publishing began.
Publishing Ended AtA timestamp indicating the date and time publishing ended for the data entry.
ErrorsA text box containing a list of any errors encountered.
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