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Version: 2.13.X

Collaborating on Collections

Collaborating on collections is useful for efficient Workstation analysis. Users can be assigned as collection participants, as well as tagged in discussions via the comments system.

This guide is recommended for users who have the following permissions:

  • Workstation: Views: READ and WRITE
  • Workstation: Collections Attachments: READ and WRITE

Assigning Users to Collections

A collection can have primary and participant users assigned:

  • Primary users help enforce a structure where a specific user is dedicated to maintaining a collection.
  • Participants are other users that may contribute to the working of a collection, such as a case manager, quality analyst, or subject matter expert.

Users can be assigned during collection creation or added later when a collection is edited. The primary user assigned receives system notifications for collections as they are updated.


Hovering over the Primary User icon displays Participants. Hovering over the Primary Tag color displays the full name of the Tag. Other icons represent: additional tags, items in the collection, and the collection's priority.

Using Collection Comments

Collection comments provide analysts a space to leave comments on collections, reply to comments in a collapsible thread, tag one another for further analysis, attach files, and manage conversations surrounding case files.

Writing Comments

Write a comment to record thoughts on analysis, or to tag other users for further analysis and commentary. Comments require dragging a collection into the Object Details Viewer. For more information, see Adding Widgets to Views.


Tagging users in comments and inline replies generates a system notification that provides some context for the tag.

To tag a user, prepend the @ symbol to that user's name. For example:

  • @Mary
  • @Bill

To write a comment in a collection open within Object Details Viewer:

  1. At the bottom of Object Details Viewer, click the Comments dropdown. (Add Comment is visible if no comments exist.)
  2. To the right of the comments subhead, click Add Comment.
  3. Type comments into the comment field.
  4. Click the Add button to save the comment as written, or Cancel to discard the comment.

Editing Comments

Comments can be edited to add additional text, remove or upload additional files, or tag other users.


Users can only edit comments and attachments that they have made.

To edit a comment:

  1. At the bottom of Object Details Viewer, locate the Comments text field.
  2. At the bottom right of an existing comment or reply, click Edit.
  3. Make any desired changes. (For information about attaching files to comments, see Comment Attachments.)
  4. Click Save to post the edited comment or reply, or Cancel to discard the changes.

Deleting Comments

If a comment is no longer needed, or was created by mistake, it can be deleted.

To delete a comment:

  1. At the bottom of Object Details Viewer, click the Comments dropdown.
  2. At the bottom right of the comment or reply, locate Delete.
  3. Confirm you wish to delete the comment or reply, or Cancel deletion.


Users can only delete comments that they have made.

In-line replies to comments are not lost when deleting the top level comment.

Inline Replies

Inline replies are collapsed by default, but contain any responses to a top-level comment.

Comments and replies require dragging a collection into the Object Details Viewer. For more information, see Adding Widgets to Views.

To respond to an inline reply:

  1. At the bottom of Object Details Viewer, click the Comments dropdown. (Add Comment is visible if no comments exist.)
  2. Locate the top-level comment to reply to. Click Reply
    • Replies allow markdown with a character limit of 3,000 characters.
    • Replying to comments creates a collapsible thread.
    • If inline replies already exist, click the Replies link to open the accordion box containing all replies.
  3. Type a reply into the Add a reply field. It is possible to add attachments to comments.
  4. Click the Add button to save the inline reply, or Cancel to discard it.

Sorting Comments

By default, comments are reverse chronological, newest to oldest.

To set your preferred comment sort order:

  1. At the bottom of Object Details Viewer, click the Comments dropdown.
  2. To the right of Comments, click the More menu (). The sort by menu opens.
  3. Select Oldest first to list items chronologically.
  4. Select Newest first to list items in reverse chronology.

Adding Attachments

Adding attachments to either collections or collection comments makes them accessible to users for review and download.

Upload any of the following permitted file formats:

  • Image file types including: bmp, jpeg, gif, png, svg+xml, and webp.
  • Audio files including: mpeg and wav.
  • Video files including: avi, mov, mp4, webm
  • MIME/application types including: application/json, application/pdf, application/ppt, application/pptx, application/xls, application/xlsx, application/xml
  • MIME/content types including: text/csv, text/doc, text/docx, text/plain, text/rtf, text/xml

Collection Attachments

Collections can hold any number of attachments.

To add attachments to collections:

  1. At the bottom of Object Details Viewer, click the Attachments dropdown menu.
  2. To the right of Attachments, click Attach files. A dialog box opens.
    • Files are limited to a size of 1GB per file.
    • Users can upload multiple files simultaneously.
  3. Select a file or files to attach. A toast at the top of the screen shows the attachment's upload progress. When the progress bar completes the file attaches.

Comment Attachments

New or existing comments can contain attachments, including comments containing many individual files.


Users with view and write permissions for Workstation: Collection Attachments can view and download attachments on comments.

To attach a file to a comment:

  1. At the bottom of Object Details Viewer, At the bottom of Object Details Viewer, click the Comments dropdown.
  2. To the right of the comments subhead, click Add Comment.
  3. At the bottom left of the comments field, click Attach Files. A dialog box opens.
    • Files are limited to a size of 1GB per file.
    • Users can upload multiple files simultaneously.
    • If the attachment is for a new comment, the attached files only begin uploading after Save is clicked.
    • If the attachment is for an existing comment, they are uploaded immediately after being selected.

To download a file attached to a comment:

  1. At the bottom of Object Details Viewer, click the Comments dropdown.
  2. At the bottom left of the comments field, click Attachments and locate the file(s) to be downloaded.
  3. Click the file to be downloaded.
  4. Optionally, to the right of the attachments list, click Download All to create a zip file containing all files attached to a single comment and download it to a local PC.

Previewing Attachments

It is possible to preview following attachment types without needing to download them locally to your computer:

  • Image file types including: jpeg, gif, png, svg+xml, webp, and bmp.
  • mpeg audio files.
  • webm video files.
  • MIME types including: application/pdf, text/plain, application/json, text/csv

To preview attachments:

  1. At the bottom of Object Details Viewer, click the Attachments dropdown.
  2. Click the attachment to preview. The attachment opens in a new browser tab.

To download attachments:

  1. At the bottom of Object Details Viewer, click the Attachments dropdown.
  2. Locate the attachment to download from the list of available attachments.
  3. To the right of the attachment to download, click the Download button.
  4. Optionally, to the right of the attachments list, click Download All to create a zip file containing all files attached to a single comment and download it to a local PC.
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