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Version: 2.11.X

Uploading Data into Cogynt

The first task in this exercise is to upload the capitals_training.json file into Cogynt. This involves three steps:

  1. Creating a project to store the model you'll build.
  2. Creating a deployment target to specify the data sources for the model.
  3. Uploading the sample data file for Cogynt to process.

Creating a Project

First, you must create a project. A project is the container for all the different parts of a model in Cogynt. This is where your data will be stored.

To create a project:

  1. Open Cogynt Authoring.
  2. On the project screen, click Create a New Project.
  3. In the Create Project dialog:
    1. Type a name for your project in the Name field. For this exercise, "Hello World" followed by your initials is recommended (for example, "Hello World CS").
    2. In the Description field, type an optional description for the project if desired.
    3. Click Create.

Once the project is created, the next step is to create a deployment target.

Creating a Deployment Target

A deployment target identifies event patterns for deployment, and defines a model's data sources. You'll use the Deployment Management utility to set the initial deployment target. For more information, refer to Deploying Models and Deployment Targets in the Cogynt Authoring User Guide.

Access the Deployment Management utility to start creating a deployment target:

  1. Click the system panel (☰) icon.
  2. Under Other Tasks, click Deployments.

This brings you to the Deployment Management window. From here, you can put together your deployment target as follows:

  1. In the Deployment Management window, click the Deployment Targets tab.
  2. From the Project dropdown menu, select the project you created earlier.
  3. Click the Add New Deployment Target (+) button.
  4. In the Create Deployment Target dialog:
    1. Type a name for the deployment target in the Name field.
    2. Click Create.


The connection information for an Apache Flink cluster is not a part of a deployment target, as it should have already been set up and configured as part of the Cogynt installation process. If this information is unavailable, contact your system administrator, or reach out to Cogility Support.

Once you have finished creating your deployment target, you can move on to uploading the JSON file.

Uploading a File

With the project and deployment target created, Cogynt is ready to receive the data in the capitals_training.json data set. The next step is to load the file into Cogynt.

To upload the capitals_training.json into Cogynt:

  1. Open the Data Management Tool.
  2. Click Data File Upload.
  3. From the Project dropdown menu, select your project.
  4. Beneath the Select Topic dropdown menu, click + Use New Topic.
  5. In the New Topic dialog:
    1. In the Topic field, enter a name for the topic. For this exercise, "capitals_" followed by your initials is recommended (for example, "capitals_cs").
    2. Click Confirm.
  6. From the Select Deployment Target dropdown menu, select your deployment target.
  7. Under Data File, either drag the capitals_training.json file to the space indicated on the page, or click the space to browse for and select the file. A preview of the data is shown if the file was correctly selected.
  8. Click Upload.
  9. In the Confirm Data File Upload dialog, click Upload.


Click the system panel (☰) icon, then click Activity Monitor to see the status of the data upload.

When the Status is PUBLISHED, the data has been uploaded successfully.

With the data file uploaded, the next step is to build a model to analyze the data.

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