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Version: 2.11.X

API Reference

This document describes the fields of the ia.env.yaml file in detail. For more information, see Configuring the Cogynt Delivery Tool.


Package v1 contains API schema definitions for the v1 API group.

Resource Types


AuditOTP defines the desired state of AuditOTP.

Appears in:

replicas integer(Optional) Sets the the desired number of replicas. [ default: 1 ]
resources ResourceRequirements(Optional) ResourceRequirements describes the compute resource requirements.
affinity Affinity(Optional) Describes node affinity scheduling rules for the pod.
securityContext PodSecurityContext(Optional) Holds pod-level security attributes and common container settings.


Appears in:

enableDevTools boolean(Optional) Enable dev tools for Audit. [ default: false ]
otp AuditOTP(Optional) Defines the desired state of audit-otp.
ui AuditUI(Optional) Defines the desired state of audit-ui.


AuditOTP defines the desired state of AuditOTP.

Appears in:

replicas integer(Optional) Sets the the desired number of replicas. [ default: 1 ]
resources ResourceRequirements(Optional) ResourceRequirements describes the compute resource requirements.
affinity Affinity(Optional) Describes node affinity scheduling rules for the pod.
securityContext PodSecurityContext(Optional) Holds pod-level security attributes and common container settings.


AuthOTP defines the desired state of AuthOTP.

Appears in:

replicas integer(Optional) Sets the the desired number of replicas. [ default: 1 ]
resources ResourceRequirements(Optional) ResourceRequirements describes the compute resource requirements.
affinity Affinity(Optional) Describes node affinity scheduling rules for the pod.
securityContext PodSecurityContext(Optional) Holds pod-level security attributes and common container settings.
provider AuthProviderPossible values are google Google, microsoft Microsoft, and saml Saml.


Appears in:

useSecureCookie boolean
otp AuthOTP(Optional) Defines the desired state of auth-otp.
ui AuthUI(Optional) Defines the desired state of auth-ui.


AuthUI defines the desired state of AuthUI.

Appears in:

replicas integer(Optional) Sets the the desired number of replicas. [ default: 1 ]
resources ResourceRequirements(Optional) ResourceRequirements describes the compute resource requirements.
affinity Affinity(Optional) Describes node affinity scheduling rules for the pod.
securityContext PodSecurityContext(Optional) Holds pod-level security attributes and common container settings.


AuthoringGqlOTP defines the desired state of AuthoringGqlOTP.

Appears in:

replicas integer(Optional) Sets the the desired number of replicas. [ default: 1 ]
resources ResourceRequirements(Optional) ResourceRequirements describes the compute resource requirements.
affinity Affinity(Optional) Describes node affinity scheduling rules for the pod.
securityContext PodSecurityContext(Optional) Holds pod-level security attributes and common container settings.
eksRoleArn string(Optional) Sets the AWS EKS Role ARN w/ Authoring S3 permissions. [ validation: Required if cluster.type=eks ]
gcpServiceAccount string(Optional) Sets the GCP Service Account w/ Authoring GCS permissions. [ validation: Required if cluster.type=gke ]


AuthoringReactUI defines the desired state of AuthoringReactUI.

Appears in:

replicas integer(Optional) Sets the the desired number of replicas. [ default: 1 ]
resources ResourceRequirements(Optional) ResourceRequirements describes the compute resource requirements.
affinity Affinity(Optional) Describes node affinity scheduling rules for the pod.
securityContext PodSecurityContext(Optional) Holds pod-level security attributes and common container settings.


Appears in:

otp AuthoringGqlOTP(Optional) Defines the desired state of authoring-gql-otp.
ui AuthoringReactUI(Optional) Defines the desired state of authoring-react-ui.


Appears in:

enabled boolean(Optional) Enables AWS authentication. [ default: true]
accountID string
enableCogyntDevopsUsers boolean
mapUsers string


ClusterSpec defines the desired state of ClusterSpec.

Appears in:

provider ClusterProvider(Optional) Sets the cluster provider. [ default: aws; validation: oneof{aws,google} ]
type ClusterType(Optional) Sets the cluster type. [ default: eks; validation: oneof{eks,kops,gke} ]
region string(Optional) Sets the cluster provider region. [ default: us-west-2 ]
storagePool StoragePool(Optional) Sets the storage pool for the cluster.


Cogynt is the schema for the Cogynt API.

kind stringCogynt
metadata ObjectMetaRefer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec CogyntSpec


CogyntSpec defines the desired state of Cogynt.

Appears in:

hostnames string arraySet your ingress hostnames. [ validation: empty=false ]
subdomainSuffix string(Optional) Set your ingress subdomain suffix. [ example: ]
channel ReleaseChannel(Optional) Sets release channel. [ default: stable ]
replicas integer(Optional) Set global replicas. [ default: 1 ]
imageRegistry string
images object array
logLevel string(Optional) Set global log level. [ default: info ]
classificationLevel ClassificationLevel(Optional) Set global classification level. [ default: none ]
tlskey string
tlspem string
cluster ClusterSpec
awsAuth AwsAuth
audit AuditSpec
auth AuthSpec
authoring AuthoringSpec
dataImporter DataImporterSpec
modeldoc ModeldocSpec
permissions PermissionsSpec
workstation WorkstationSpec
confluent ConfluentSpec
istio IstioSpec
elasticsearch ElasticsearchSpec
externalDNS ExternalDNSSpec
flink FlinkSpec
hcvault HCVaultSpec
jupyterHub JupyterHubSpec
keycloak KeycloakSpec
kubeDash KubeDashSpec
postgresql PostgreSQLSpec
redis RedisSpec
weaveScope WeaveScopeSpec
pinot PinotSpec
superset SupersetSpec


Common defines a common use k8s util.

Appears in:

replicas integer(Optional) Sets the the desired number of replicas. [ default: 1 ]
resources ResourceRequirements(Optional) ResourceRequirements describes the compute resource requirements.
affinity Affinity(Optional) Describes node affinity scheduling rules for the pod.
securityContext PodSecurityContext(Optional) Holds pod-level security attributes and common container settings.


ConfluentSpec defines the desired state of ConfluentSpec.

Appears in:

enabled boolean(Optional) Enables ConfluentSpec for deployment. [ default: true ]
kafka Kafka
zookeeper Zookeeper
connect Connect


Connect is the schema for Connect.

Appears in:

replicas integer
resources ResourceRequirements


DataImporterSpec defines the desired state of modeldoc-ui.

Appears in:

replicas integer(Optional) Sets the the desired number of replicas. [ default: 1 ]
resources ResourceRequirements(Optional) ResourceRequirements describes the compute resource requirements.
affinity Affinity(Optional) Describes node affinity scheduling rules for the pod.
securityContext PodSecurityContext(Optional) Holds pod-level security attributes and common container settings.


ElasticsearchCommon defines the observed state of ElasticsearchCommon.

Appears in:

master ElasticsearchMaster
data ElasticsearchData
kibana Kibana


ElasticsearchData is the schema for the cogynt API.

Appears in:

replicas integer(Optional) Sets the desired number of replicas. [ default: 3 ]
resources ResourceRequirements(Optional) Sets the compute resource requirements.
heapSize string(Optional) Set Elasticsearch heap size. [ default: 3g ]
storage string(Optional) Sets the initial volume storage. [ default: 50Gi ]
maxStorage string(Optional) Sets the max volume storage to scale to. [ default: 200Gi ]


Cogynt is the schema for the cogynt API.

Appears in:

replicas integer(Optional) Sets the the desired number of replicas. [ default: 2 ]


Elasticsearch defines the desired state of Elasticsearch.

Appears in:

enabled boolean(Optional) Enables Elasticsearch for deployment. [ default: true ]
common ElasticsearchCommon


ExternalDNSSpec defines the desired state of ExternalDNSSpec.

Appears in:

enabled boolean(Optional) Enables External DNS for deployment. [ default: true ]
eksRoleArn string(Optional) Sets the AWS EKS Role ARN w/ External DNS permissions. [ validation: Required if cluster.type=eks ]
gcpServiceAccount string(Optional) Sets the GCP Service Account w/ External DNS permissions. [ validation: Required if cluster.provider=google ]


FlinkOperator defines the desired state of FlinkOperator.

Appears in:

replicas integer(Optional) Sets the the desired number of replicas. [ default: 1 ]
resources ResourceRequirements(Optional) ResourceRequirements describes the compute resource requirements.
affinity Affinity(Optional) Describes node affinity scheduling rules for the pod.
securityContext PodSecurityContext(Optional) Holds pod-level security attributes and common container settings.


Appears in:

operator FlinkOperator
eksRoleArn string(Optional) Sets the AWS EKS Role ARN w/ S3 Bucket permissions. [ validation: Required if cluster.type=eks ]
gcpServiceAccount string(Optional) Sets the GCP Service Account w/ GCS permissions. [ validation: Required if cluster.type=gke ]
checkpointBucket string
checkpointEndpointURL string
checkpointBucketAccessKey string
checkpointBucketAccessSecret string
checkpointMode string
checkpointTimeout integer
checkpointFrequency integer
savepointFrequency integer


Appears in:

clientID string
clientSecret string


HCVaultSpec defines the desired state of HCVaultSpec.

Appears in:

enabled boolean(Optional) Enables HC Vault for deployment. [ default: true ]
ingress boolean(Optional) Enables HC Vault ingress for deployment. [ default: false ]
eksRoleArn string(Optional) Sets the AWS EKS Role ARN w/ HC Vault permissions. [ validation: Required if cluster.type=eks ]
kmsKeyID string(Optional) Sets the AWS KMS Key ID for HC Vault. [ validation: Required if cluster.type=eks ]
gcpServiceAccount string(Optional) Sets the GCP Service Account w/ HC Vault permissions. [ validation: Required if cluster.provider=google ]
gcpProject string(Optional) Sets the GCP project name w/ the HC Vault key ring. [ validation: Required if cluster.provider=google ]
keyRingRegion string(Optional) Sets the GCP region the key ring is in. [ validation: Required if cluster.provider=google ]
keyRing string(Optional) Sets the GCP key ring name. [ validation: Required if cluster.provider=google ]
cryptoKey string(Optional) Sets the GCP key ring crypto key name. [ validation: Required if cluster.provider=google ]
storage string(Optional) Sets the volume storage. [ default: 20Gi ]


Image represents image configuration.

Appears in:


IstioSpec defines the desired state of IstioSpec.

Appears in:

eksRoleArn string(Optional) Sets the AWS EKS Role ARN w/ IstioSpec permissions. [ validation: Required if cluster.type=eks ]
internalLoadBalancer boolean(Optional) Sets the Load Balancer to internal. [ default: true ]
loadBalancerSourceRanges string array(Optional) Sets allowed source IP ranges. [ default: ]


JupyterHubSpec defines the desired state of JupyterHub.

Appears in:

enabled boolean(Optional) Enables Jupyter Hub for deployment. [ default: false ]
ingress boolean(Optional) Enables Jupyter Hub ingress for deployment. [ default: false ]


Kafka defines the observed state of Kafka.

Appears in:

replicas integer(Optional) Set Kafka replica count. [ default: 3 ]
heapSize string(Optional) Set Kafka heap size. [ default: 1g ]
tierEnabled boolean(Optional) Enable Kafka tiered storage. [ default: false ]
tierBackend string(Optional) Set Kafka tiered storage backend. [ default: s3; validation: oneof{s3,gcs} ]
eksRoleArn string(Optional) Sets the AWS EKS Role ARN w/ S3 Bucket permissions. [ validation: Required if cluster.type=eks ]
s3Bucket string(Optional) Sets the S3 bucket for Kafka tiered storage (trims prefix s3://).
gcpServiceAccount string(Optional) Sets the GCP Service Account w/ GCS permissions. [ validation: Required if cluster.type=gke ]
gcsBucket string(Optional) Set GCS bucket for Kafka tiered storage (trims prefix gs://).
gcsRegion string(Optional) Set GCS bucket region for Kafka tiered storage.
gcsPrefix string(Optional) This prefix will be added to tiered storage objects stored in GCS.
resources ResourceRequirements
storage string
maxStorage string


Keycloak defines the desired state of Keycloak.

Appears in:

enabled boolean(Optional) Enables Keycloak for deployment. [ default: false ]
clusterIP string



Appears in:

enabled boolean(Optional) Enables Kibana for deployment. [ default: false ]


KubeDash defines the desired state of Cogynt

Appears in:

enabled boolean(Optional) Enables Kubernetes Dashboard for deployment. [ default: true ]
ingress boolean(Optional) Enables Kubernetes Dashboard ingress for deployment. [ default: false ]


Appears in:

id string
secret string


ModeldocSpec defines the desired state of modeldoc-ui.

Appears in:

replicas integer(Optional) Sets the the desired number of replicas. [ default: 1 ]
resources ResourceRequirements(Optional) ResourceRequirements describes the compute resource requirements.
affinity Affinity(Optional) Describes node affinity scheduling rules for the pod.
securityContext PodSecurityContext(Optional) Holds pod-level security attributes and common container settings.


PermissionsNodejs defines the desired state of PermissionsNodejs.

Appears in:

replicas integer(Optional) Sets the the desired number of replicas. [ default: 1 ]
resources ResourceRequirements(Optional) ResourceRequirements describes the compute resource requirements.
affinity Affinity(Optional) Describes node affinity scheduling rules for the pod.
securityContext PodSecurityContext(Optional) Holds pod-level security attributes and common container settings.


PinotBroker is the schema for the PinotBroker.

Appears in:

replicas integer(Optional) Sets the the desired number of replicas. [ default: 1 ]
resources ResourceRequirements(Optional) ResourceRequirements describes the compute resource requirements.
affinity Affinity(Optional) Describes node affinity scheduling rules for the pod.
securityContext PodSecurityContext(Optional) Holds pod-level security attributes and common container settings.
heapSize string(Optional) Set the PinotBroker JVM HeapSize. [ default: "1g" ]


PinotController is the schema for the PinotController.

Appears in:

replicas integer(Optional) Sets the the desired number of replicas. [ default: 1 ]
resources ResourceRequirements(Optional) ResourceRequirements describes the compute resource requirements.
affinity Affinity(Optional) Describes node affinity scheduling rules for the pod.
securityContext PodSecurityContext(Optional) Holds pod-level security attributes and common container settings.
storage string(Optional) Set the PinotController storage. [ default: "10Gi" ]
heapSize string(Optional) Set the PinotController JVM HeapSize. [ default: "1g" ]


PinotMinion is the schema for the PinotMinion.

Appears in:

replicas integer(Optional) Sets the the desired number of replicas. [ default: 1 ]
resources ResourceRequirements(Optional) ResourceRequirements describes the compute resource requirements.
affinity Affinity(Optional) Describes node affinity scheduling rules for the pod.
securityContext PodSecurityContext(Optional) Holds pod-level security attributes and common container settings.
storage string(Optional) Set the PinotMinion storage. [ default: "10Gi" ]
heapSize string(Optional) Set the PinotMinion JVM HeapSize. [ default: "1g" ]


PinotServer is the schema for the PinotServer.

Appears in:

replicas integer(Optional) Sets the the desired number of replicas. [ default: 1 ]
resources ResourceRequirements(Optional) ResourceRequirements describes the compute resource requirements.
affinity Affinity(Optional) Describes node affinity scheduling rules for the pod.
securityContext PodSecurityContext(Optional) Holds pod-level security attributes and common container settings.
storage string(Optional) Set the PinotServer storage. [ default: "10Gi" ]
heapSize string(Optional) Set the PinotServer JVM HeapSize. [ default: "1g" ]


PinotSpec defines the desired state of PinotSpec.

Appears in:

enabled boolean(Optional) Enables PinotSpec for deployment. [ default: false ]
clusterName string(Optional) Set the Pinot clusterName. [ default: "pinot" ]
ingress boolean(Optional) Set the Pinot ingress. [ default: false ]
controller PinotController
server PinotServer
minion PinotMinion
broker PinotBroker


PostgreSQLSpec defines the desired state of PostgreSQLSpec.

Appears in:

enabled boolean
common PostgresSpec
workstation PostgresSpec


PostgreSQLSpec defines the observed state of PostgreSQLSpec.

Appears in:

replicas integer(Optional) Sets the desired number of replicas. [ default: 1 ]
resources ResourceRequirements(Optional) Sets the compute resource requirements.
storage string(Optional) Sets the initial volume storage. [ default: 100Gi ]
maxStorage string(Optional) Sets the max volume storage to scale to. [ default: 500Gi ]


RedisSpec defines the desired state of RedisSpec.

Appears in:

enabled boolean(Optional) Enables RedisSpec for deployment. [ default: true ]
workstation RedisWorkstation(Optional) Sets the desired state for Workstation RedisSpec.


RedisWorkstation defines the observed state of RedisWorkstation.

Appears in:

replicas integer(Optional) Sets the desired number of replicas. [ default: 1 ]
resources ResourceRequirements(Optional) Sets the compute resource requirements.
storage string(Optional) Sets the initial volume storage. [ default: 100Gi ]
maxStorage string(Optional) Sets the max volume storage to scale to. [ default: 500Gi ]


Underlying type: string

Appears in:


Appears in:

spEntityID string
idpID string
spBaseURL string
idpMetadataFile string
idpNameIDFormat string
idpSignRequests string
idpSignMetadata string
idpSignAssertionInResp string
idpSignEnvelopesInResp string
tlspem string
tlskey string


Appears in:

volumeCount integer(Optional) Sets the count of volumes attached to each storage node. [ default: 3; validation: gte=2,lte=16 ]
volumeSize integer(Optional) Sets the size in GB for each volume attached. [ default: 100; validation: gte=50,lte=16384 ]
volumeIOPS integer(Optional) Sets the IOPS for each volume attached. [ default: 3000; validation: gte=3000,lte=16000 ]
totalMaxCapacity integer(Optional) Sets the max total size in GB for the cluster storage pool. [ default: 2000 ]
enablePxSaasKey boolean(Optional) Sets the Portworx Saas Key for the cluster storage. [ default: true ]
gkeClusterAdminUser string(Optional) Sets the storage GKE cluster admin user service account. [ validation: required if cluster.provider=google ]


SupersetServer is the schema for the SupersetServer.

Appears in:

replicas integer(Optional) Sets the the desired number of replicas. [ default: 1 ]
resources ResourceRequirements(Optional) ResourceRequirements describes the compute resource requirements.
affinity Affinity(Optional) Describes node affinity scheduling rules for the pod.
securityContext PodSecurityContext(Optional) Holds pod-level security attributes and common container settings.


SupersetSpec defines the desired state of PinotSpec

Appears in:

enabled boolean(Optional) Enables SupersetSpec for deployment. [ default: false ]
server SupersetServer
worker SupersetWorker


SupersetWorker is the schema for the SupersetWorker.

Appears in:

replicas integer(Optional) Sets the the desired number of replicas. [ default: 1 ]
resources ResourceRequirements(Optional) ResourceRequirements describes the compute resource requirements.
affinity Affinity(Optional) Describes node affinity scheduling rules for the pod.
securityContext PodSecurityContext(Optional) Holds pod-level security attributes and common container settings.


WeaveScopeSpec defines the desired state of WeaveScopeSpec.

Appears in:

enabled boolean(Optional) Enables Weave Scope for deployment. [ default: true ]
ingress boolean(Optional) Enables Weave Scope ingress for deployment. [ default: false ]


WorkstationIngestOTP defines the desired state of WorkstationIngestOTP.

Appears in:

replicas integer(Optional) Sets the the desired number of replicas. [ default: 1 ]
resources ResourceRequirements(Optional) ResourceRequirements describes the compute resource requirements.
affinity Affinity(Optional) Describes node affinity scheduling rules for the pod.
securityContext PodSecurityContext(Optional) Holds pod-level security attributes and common container settings.


WorkstationOTP defines the desired state of WorkstationOTP.

Appears in:

replicas integer(Optional) Sets the the desired number of replicas. [ default: 1 ]
resources ResourceRequirements(Optional) ResourceRequirements describes the compute resource requirements.
affinity Affinity(Optional) Describes node affinity scheduling rules for the pod.
securityContext PodSecurityContext(Optional) Holds pod-level security attributes and common container settings.
eksRoleArn string(Optional) Sets the AWS EKS Role ARN w/ Workstation Attachments S3 permissions. [ validation: Required if cluster.type=eks ]
gcpServiceAccount string(Optional) Sets the GCP Service Account w/ Workstation Attachments GCS permissions. [ validation: Required if cluster.type=gke ]
attachments WorkstationOTPAttachmentsSet the WorkstationSpec attachments configs.


WorkstationOTPAttachments defines the desired state of WorkstationOTPAttachments.

Appears in:

storageProvider string(Optional) Set the storage provider for attachments, [ default: aws ]
bucket string(Required) Set the bucket and path for attachments. The app appends /attachments to the path and no protocol.
maxUploadSize integer(Optional) Set the max file size for attachments. Default: 1073741824


WorkstationSpec defines the desired state of WorkstationSpec.

Appears in:

enableDevTools boolean(Optional) Enable dev tools for WorkstationSpec. [ default: false ]
enableBetaFeatures boolean(Optional) Enables beta features in WorkstationSpec. [ default: false ]
otp WorkstationOTP(Optional) Defines the desired state of ws-otp.
ingest WorkstationIngestOTP(Optional) Defines the desired state of ws-ingest-otp.
ui WorkstationUI(Optional) Defines the desired state of ws-ui.


WorkstationUI defines the desired state of WorkstationUI.

Appears in:

replicas integer(Optional) Sets the the desired number of replicas. [ default: 1 ]
resources ResourceRequirements(Optional) ResourceRequirements describes the compute resource requirements.
affinity Affinity(Optional) Describes node affinity scheduling rules for the pod.
securityContext PodSecurityContext(Optional) Holds pod-level security attributes and common container settings.


Zookeeper is the schema for Zookeeper.

Appears in:

replicas integer
heapSize string
resources ResourceRequirements
storage string
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